Halloween Streaming – Alien: Isolation, part 6

This is it, part 6 – the finale of my Alien: Isolation gameplay stream! In the final two hours we escape the Alien hoard that was released in part 5, blow up some stuff, and get multiple climaxes, as is the norm in the Alien series.

I’ve loved my time with Alien: Isolation, although I did find the ending to be somewhat anti-climactic. It sets up a sequel at least. It was a tense, harrowing experience, and I can’t wait to play it again!

Later tonight, I’ll post a review of Alien: Isolation. Spoilers: it’s going to be fairly positive.

Next up on the Halloween streaming list: Shinji Mikami’s The Evil Within. I’ll be streaming nightly at 8:30, so be sure to check it out on my Twitch stream!

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